The Big SpendersClearly, AWS is the cloud computing platform of choice for businesses across a range of industries. But who are the biggest, and how much…Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
Create unique terraform modules and upload on public terraform registry.What is terraform module ?Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
Research for industry use cases of Openshift and create a blog, Article or Video elaborating how it…OpenShift is a family of containerization software products developed by Red Hat. Its flagship product is the OpenShift Container Platform…Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
Research for industry use cases of Jenkins and create a blog, Article or Video elaborating how it…JenkinsSep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
Creating & Publishing Helm ChartIn Kubernetes, for the sake of deploying and managing, the Helm chart is useful and is a package manager that deployed the charts. The…Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
Create an article on case study of AWS SQS.Task Description📄 ✍🏻 Research on usecases of AWS SQS and create a blog, Article for the same.Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022