Aman Gangwar
2 min readAug 3, 2020



It is Google,s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile ,web and desktop from a single codebase . It provides widgets that incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling ,navigation,icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both Android and IOS.

Task Overview

1.Create a flutter app.

2. Use assets (eg. audios and videos).

3. App will have to play this audios and videos from Assets.

4. Also add Features to play audio and video from Internet(Network).

5. Create buttons like play, pause and stop for audio and video both.


I have made an app using Flutter framework which can be used to play video from local folder , from network and from connected YouTube channel.

I have used YouTube API from Google API console .

I have used Scaffold widget to power the ui of this app.

I have added StatefulWidget to make it more dynamic data.

App Design

